WINNIE 萧房地产经纪团队一站式服务/地产学校/经纪培训 - Winnie Hsiao Real Estate Specialized Team/Real

WINNIE 萧房地产经纪团队一站式服务/地产学校/经纪培训 - Winnie Hsiao Real Estate Specialized Team/Real

发布于: 2018-07-06 22:13:15
地区:America / 美国
地址: 930 Roosevelt ste 120, Irvine, Ca, 92620
电话: 909-272-2742

 Winnie Hsiao 萧为全职专业全职地产经纪。 专精东区等区包括钻石岗丶核桃市丶奇诺岗及邻近城市及尔湾丶新港滩等地区。 目前担任MGR地产公司地产职照班讲师, 拥有房地产BROKER职照。

WINNIE萧曾任地产开发商投资部经理及丰富的贷款经验能协助本国人或外国人贷款买房并选择适合的贷款方案。不论是自住房丶投资屋或商业收租房都能为客户做出详尽分析丶解说。能说流利英文丶普通话丶 广东话及台湾话。

MGR地产职照班每周日早上9:30-11:30AM, 欢迎买主及卖主来了解房地产交易流程及法规。
请来电查询 909-272-2742



MGR地产执照班由Winnie Hsiao主讲, 欢迎买家及卖主来了解房地产交易流程及法规;也欢迎有兴趣成为地产经纪人加入我们的团队学习。

930 Roosevelt. Ste 120
Irvine, CA 92620

3800 E. Concours Ste. Ste 350
Ontario, CA 91764

手机: 909-272-2742
微信ID: winniewin8

Winnie Hsiao's Specialized Real Estate Team

Our team provides a complete packaged service including commercial and residential purchases, sales, lending, leasing, renovation, and property management. My team houses several full-time real estate agents, a mortgage loan broker, a renovation specialist, property managers, and a certified public accountant. We are available 7 days a week to service your real estate needs. Whatever your goals are, we can help you achieve them!

I graduated from California State Polytechnic University Pomona, majoring in marketing and international trade. I've taught more than 300 real estate students. Prior to working in real estate sales, I worked as an investment manager for real estate developers. I have a wealth of experience in mortgage loans. I assisted many foreign nationals to purchase a house through choosing the right loan program. My specialty areas include East San Gabriel Valley encompassing Diamond Bar, Walnut, Chino Hills, and Rowland Heights. I'm also has experience servicing coasted areas such as Irvine and Newport Beach. I am fluent in English, Mandarin, Taiwanese and Cantonese.